Sunday, April 2, 2017

Indonesian President Joko Widodo Agree Taxi Rates Online Regulated - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) approved the implementation of the transport rules online. The rules set out in the revised Permenhub No. 32, 2016.This was revealed by Minister of Transportation Budi Karya Sumadi after a meeting with President Jokowi at the Presidential Palace. Budi Karya is also accompanied by the Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani, Minister of Communications and Information Rudiantara, Coordinating Minister for maritime Luhut Binsar Panjaitan, chairman of the Commission Syarkawi Rauf.In accordance with the agreement, the Ministry of Transportation will implement revised Regulation 32/2016's Transport Minister on 1 April 2017."So the president agreed to put in place, but there are processes of transition. Transition 3 months," said Budi in Palace complex, Jakarta, Friday (31/03/2017).No. 32/2016 on the revised Permenhub there are 11 points agreed upon, the type of transport rental, vehicle engine cylinder capacity, limit special lease freight rates, freight special lease quota number, vehicle registration obligations incorporated, periodic testing (KIR), pool, garage , taxes, access dashboard, and sanctions.

According to Budi, President Jokowi had been approved on the 11 points contained in the beleid."Point-point agreement, but its enforcement as what? We're going to do a study, with regard to quotas, tariffs lower limit. Rates lower limit has been ascertained, but the right calculations need a transition. If you like vehicle registration, driver's license, KIR, it already had to take . KIR we will elaborate with a sole proprietorship to cooperatives, "he added."Quotas we will examine whether this will lead to extortion. The most important thing we examine further how how how consumers preferences as to what, for most consumer should be protected. Including lower limit will be feedback from it," he continued.Although the revision process Permenhub set on April 1, said Budi, the government granted a transition period of three months specifically for quota and tariff setting upper and lower limits."The other effect, right from yesterday I said there is a transition three months," he said.



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