Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Senegal armed forces unveil new Oncilla 4x4 armoured and Bastion 1 122 MLRS at military parade.

tauajalah.com - Senegal armed forces unveil new Oncilla 4x4 light armoured and KrAZ-6322PA Bastion-01 122m MLRS (Multiple Launch Rocket System) vehicle during the military parade for the 57th anniversary of its independence on Tuesday, April 4, 2017.

he Oncilla was developed by Lacenaire Limited Co base in Cyprus in partnership with Polish company MISTA as its manufacturer.

The Oncilla is 4x4 light armoured vehicle based on the Ukrainian-made Dozor-B, this vehicle is manufactured under license in Poland. There is no information about the sale of these vehicles, but Senegalese armed forces has also acquired new combat vehicles from China and Ukraine.

The Oncilla can carry a total of 6 military personnel including driver, commander and gunner. It offers protection Level 2 (STANAG 4569) of armor protection in standard configuration, and can be upgraded up to Level 3 (STANAG 4569) after installation of outboard passive armor.

The Senegalese version of the Oncilla is fitted with a pintle mount on the roof armed with an M2 Browning 12.7mm heavy machine gun.

The Bastion-1 is a 122mm MLRS (Multiple Launch Rocket System) manufactured by the Ukrainian Company KrAZ uses a similar rocket launcher unit as the Russian-made BM-21 Grad which consists of 40 launch tubes 122 mm arranged in a rectangular shape that can be turned away from the unprotected cab.

The Bastion 1 122mm MLRS is based on a 6x6 military truck chassis KrAZ-6322PA. The truck can run at a maximum road speed of 85 km/h. The 122-mm fin-stabilized rockets can deliver Frag-HE, chemical, or incendiary warheads to a range of over 40 kilometers.(armyrecognition)


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