Friday, March 31, 2017

2. SALMAN AL-FARISI Seeker of Truth - Of Persi. , , the arrival of the hero of times initials. And Of Persi also later embraced Islam by the orangutan Mu'min The NOT Few in number, they Among Emerging From Personal Personal Outstanding Its unequaled, both scientific and religious fields hearts, and hearts Science and mundane. And Indeed, prayer One Of Privileges and greatness al-Islam is, EVERY Islam  enters a country from the lands of Allah, then WITH Miracle Extraordinary generates ANY Expertise, She moved hewn Talents And Abilities Everything undercurrent of citizens and the population of the, until the rise of Islamic philosophers, Physicians Islam, Islamic astronomy expert-expert, expert-expert of Islamic jurisprudence, Ahli-Ahli definitely science-Inventors Inventors Islam and Islamic pearl ....It turns out that frontman-fronted ITU Come from EVERY corner and comes from EVERY nation, Until periods First Islamic development BURSTING with figures of Extraordinary hearts All Fields, both goal and intention, which differ homeland and his tribe, but One His religionAnd development of The Blessing Of Religion Singer Has OVER first predicted by Rasulullah saw., In fact he has been RECEIVE True Promise Of God is Most Great Again Knowing. In One Day was appointed for him Jatropha Separation Of Place And Time, Up disaksikannyalah BY eyes fluttering banner of Islam in the cities of the Front of the earth, as well as in the palace And mahligai-mahligai residents.Salman al-Farisi Alone Also witnessing This, BECAUSE ia indeed involved and have strong relationships with ITU events. ITU Event Occurred Time Battle of the Trench, ie AT Fifth Year Hijrah. Some orangutan Jewish leaders incited the idolaters of Mecca Go Into the kuffar orangutans and class groups that allied Facing the Prophet and Muslims, as well as they promised to provide assistance hearts Determination War That will topple well as revoke uric new religion root initials.Finesse And Tactics War also arrange Operating sneaky, that Army Quraishi And Ghathfan will Striking city of Medina From Outside, TEMPORARY Bani Quraidlah (Jews) will attack him from hearts Namely From Rear Rows of Muslims so that they will be squeezed from prayer Arah, hence they will Destroyed creamed And only Live nama alone.Such A Day At The Muslims Suddenly Seeing The big arrival of Armed Forces approached the city of Medina, carrying supplies and armaments Complete Much To destroy. Muslims Panic And they Like a Loss of sense Seeing things that are NOT suspected ITU-Duga. Their situation is described by the Qur'an as follows:When they Came From Next to differences And Of Arah, below you, and when the eyes see has been spinning a liar, if your heart has been SeolAh Up until the esophagus, and you put sumption The Not-not against God.(Q.S. 33 al-Ahzab: 10)

Twenty-four thousand soldiers under the command of Abu Sufyan and Uyainah bin Hishn approached the city of Medina with the intention of going to encircle and release the decisive blow that would kill Muhammad saw., Religion and the companions.This army does not consist of the Quraysh, but also from different clans or tribes that consider Islam as opposed to harm them. And this event is the final trial and determine the part of the enemies of Islam, whether from individuals, and from tribes and factions.Muslims realize their dire circumstances this, the companions of the Prophet gathered for deliberation. And of course they all agreed to stay and take up arms, but what they need to do to survive it?When performing a high that tall and bushy hair, a cherished and highly respected by the Prophet. That he Salman al-Farisi! From the heights he gazed around the medina reviewing, and as has been known also found the town in the mountains and the rocks that do not change like a citadel also appropriate. Only there there is also an open area, extensive and long stretches, to easily be able to overrun the enemy to enter the stronghold.In the Persian country, Salman has had extensive experience on the techniques and means of warfare, so also about finesse and twists likunya. Then arose he submitted a proposal to the Prophet, which is a plan that has never been known by the Arabs in their wars over the years. The plan form Trench excavation or trench along the open area wiling city.And only God knows best what would happen to the Muslims in the war if they do not dig the trench or by Salman.For the sake of Quraysh witnessed trench ahead of him, they are struck by the things that are not unexpected that, to not less full month of their strength like glued in tents as powerless to break through the city. And finally one night Allaah sent the wind. Typhoon to fly tents and destroying their army.Abu Sufyan was calling on his men to return home to their villages. , , in a state of disappointment and despair and suffered a bitter defeat ...

 When digging trenches, Salman does not miss working with Muslims were busy digging the ground. Also Rasulullah saw. helped bring tembilang and splitting stone. Incidentally. The quarry Salman with his friends, tembilang they stumble on a large rock.Salman boned a strong and powerful stance. Once a powerful swing of his arm will be able to split the rock and break it down into small fragments. But the face of this big rock he was helpless, while help from friends only produce mere failure.Salman went to get Rasulullah saw. and ask idzin divert trench lines from the original line, to avoid a large stone was unwavering. Salman the Prophet went along to see for himself the state of the place and the cobblestone earlier. And after watching it, the Prophet asked for a tembilang and ordered the Companions backward and shy away from rock fragments that laterProphet then read basmalah and noble raised his hands tightly holding a tembilang it, and with a vengeance dihunjamkannya to the big rock. Presumably the stone was split and from a large slit slit out a wave of high fire and illuminate. "I saw a wave of fire that illuminates the outskirts of the city of Medina", said Salman, while Rasulullah saw. say takbir, his saying:Allah is the Greatest ! I have been in karuniai lock israna of the country and of the wave of fire Persi was apparent to me with a real palace Hirah royal palace as well as the cities almighty king of Persia and that my people will master it all.Then the Prophet raised tembilang it back and struck the rock twice. Behold, as the original was. Large rock fragments that ejects a high wave of fire and illuminate, while the Prophet bertakbir his saying:Allah is the Greatest! I have been blessed with the keys of the Roman state, and were apparent to me magnificent palaces, and that my ummah will master it.Then struck for the third time, and gave up the big rock crumbled, while the light emitted therefrom and the flame so bright. Rasulullahpun say la ilaha illa followed by rumbling by Muslims. Then diceritakanlah by the Prophet that he now sees the palaces and mahligai-mahligai in Syria and San'a, so also in other areas that someday will be under the auspices of God fluttering flag. So with the full faith of Muslims in unison shouted:This is what is promised by God and His Messenger. , , , And, indeed Allah and His Messenger.Salman is the person who submitted suggestions to make the trench. And he was also the inventor of rock that has transmitted the secrets and supernatural predictions, when he asked for help to the Rasulullah saw. He stood by the Prophet watched the light and heard the good news. And she was still alive when the prediction becomes a reality, seen even experienced and felt alone. He saw the cities of the Persian and Roman, and saw mahligai palace in San'a, in Egypt, in Syria and in Iraq. In short witnessed with his eyes that the entire surface of the earth seemed to shake, because auspicious enchanting appeal that echoed from the top of tall towers at each corner, emits light of the guidance and direction of God ....

Now that she was sitting in the shade of a tree whose leafy shade, in front of his house in Madain kola; medium-companions told the companions of her severe struggle for the sake of seeking the truth, and tells them how he abandoned the religion of his ancestors Persian nation, entered into the religion of Christians can and from there moved into Islam. How much he has left great wealth from his parents and fell into the abyss of poverty for the sake of the freedom of the mind and soul. , , ! How she sold in the slave market in the search for the truth, how he met the Prophet and faith in him ...!Let us approach majlisnya glorious and we hear amazing stories that diceriterakannya!"I come from Isfahan, residents of a village named" Ji ". My father was a regent in that area, and I was the most beloved creature of God. I am dedicated to the Zoroastrian religion, to the keeper of the flame was assigned as responsible for not letting the flames extinguished clan.My father had a piece of land, and on the 'one day I was summoned there. On the way to the destination, I passed a church belonging to the Nashrani. I heard they were praying, so I went inside to see what they do. I was amazed to see how they pray, and I said to myself: "This is better than what I profess for this!" I did not move from that place until sunset, and not go to the land of my father and not well back home, until father sent people to catch me.Caught my attention because of their religion, I ask people Nashrani where the origins of their religion. "From Syria", they said.When it has to be in the presence of my father, I told him: "I pass on a people who are doing the prayer ceremony in the church. They are very mengagumkanku ceremony. I saw also their religion is better than our religion ". We also cross swords-and-answer discussion with my father and ended with dirantainya my feet and jailing me ....To people Nashrani I sent word that I have embraced them. I want also to ensure that when it comes troupe from Syria, so I was told before they go back, because I will go with them there. They grant these requests, so I decided the chain, then escaped from prison and joined the troupe was to Syria.When I got there I asked an expert in religion, he answered that he was bishop of the church owner. Then I came to him, kuceriterakan on me. Finally I was left with her as a waiter, carrying out their teaching and learning. , , Dear bishops who did not either theists, because it collects alms from people with a reason to be shared, it was kept for him personally. Then the bishop died ....They lift others instead. And I saw nobody better beragamanya of this new bishop. I loved him so much so that my heart felt nobody was more beloved before it thereof.

And when his end was near, I asked him: "As you understand, has been close to the promulgation decree of Allah upon you. .apakah then should I do, and who should who should I contacted? "" My son! ", He said:" nobody steps under the same knowledge with me, except for a leader who lived in Mosul ". Then when he died I set out to Mosul and contact the pastor, which he mentions. Kuceriterakan him a message from the bishop before and I stayed with him for a desired time God.Then, when his end was near anyway, I asked him who should kuturuti. Ditunjukkannyalah righteous people who live in Nasibin. I came to him and kuceriterakan perihalku, and stayed with her for a desired time God anyway.When he was about to die, I said: too him. So he sent me to call a leader who lived in the 'Amuria, a city that includes the Roman world. I go there and stay with him, being as I live stock raising cattle and goats some of tail.Then dekatlah also died and ask him to whom I entrusted. She said: "My son! Nobody I know our situation is similar to and can entrust you to her. But now it has near advent of the resurrection of a prophet who followed the religion of Abraham pure. He will be moved to a place overgrown with palm and lies between two areas of rocky ground black. If you can go there, meet with him! He has signs are clear and straightforward: he does not want to eat Sadaqah, otherwise willing to accept the prize on his shoulders and is stamped prophetic when you see it, you immediately recognize "Gone .Kebetulan one day a group drive, and then I asked where they come. I knew them from the Arabian peninsula, then I said to them: "Will you take me to your land, and in return I gave to you cows and goats it?" "Okay", they said.So they took me along for the ride to arrive in a country called Wadil Qura. There I experienced persecution, they sold me to a Jew. When it appears to me that a lot of palm trees, I wished that this country pastor mentioned to me once, that would be the place to move. Prophet awaited. It turns out I thought misses.From that moment I lived with people who bought me, until one day came a Jewish Bani Quraidhah who bought me anyway thereof. I was brought to Medina, and by God I had just seen the land, I was convinced that first-mentioned country.I stayed with it and worked at the Jewish date palm plantations belonging to Bani Quraidhah, to come when evoked Prophet came to Madinah and stopped at the Children 'Amar bin' Auf at Quba.One day, when I was at the top of a palm tree being master again sit beneath it, suddenly came a Jewish cousin who told him: "Bani Qilah woe! They gathered around a man in Quba who came from Mecca and claimed to be a prophet. , . ".By Allah, just as she said those words, my body was vibrating to the palm tree like shaking and I almost fell on my master. I immediately went down and I said to someone earlier: "What do you say?" Any news if? "My master raised his hand and hit me as hard, and he snapped: "What is it with this, let's go back to work!" So I came back to work ...After a day evening, I gathered all that is within me, then I got out and went to the Messenger in Quba. I got him when he was sitting with some members of the group. So I said to him: "Gentlemen are immigrants who are in need. I happen to have a supply of food that has been promised for alms. And after hearing the circumstances gentlemen, then according seems to me, sir-tuanlah more worthy, and the food that I brought over here ". Then the food that I put in front of him.Eat with the name of God.

word of Allah to the companions, but he was not the slightest reached out to touch the food. "Well, by God!" I said to myself, "this is one of the signs the sign ... that he did not want to eat up the property alms".I went back home, but early the next morning I went back to the Prophet with food, and I told him: "I see that the host does not want to eat alms, but I have something I want I handed over to the host as a gift", then I put the food in front of him. So his saying to the companions:Eat with the name of Allah.And beliaupun helped eat with them. "For God's sake," I said to myself, "this is the second sign, that he was willing to accept the prize".I went back home and stay at my place for some time. Then kupergi looking for Rasulullah saw. and I met him in the Baqi ', was to escort the corpse and surrounded by companions-companions. He wore two pieces of fabric width, which one uses for gloves and one as a shirt.I said hello to him and wanted to see kutolehkan view. Apparently he will understand what I mean, then disingkapkannya Burdah cloth from his neck to his shoulder appears on the sign was looking for, namely cap prophetic as mentioned by the first pastor.Seeing that I was kissing her wailing and weeping. Then I was summoned by the Prophet. I sat in front of him, then kuceriterakan my story to him as having been kuceriterakan earlier.Then I converted to Islam and slavery becomes a barrier for me to accompany the battle of Badr and Uhud. Then one day the Messenger of Allah commanded me: Ask your employer so that he was willing to release you to accept a ransom.So kumintalah to master as commanded Prophet, while the Messenger told the companions to help me financially.So I was liberated by God, and live as a Muslim that free spirit, as well as taking part along with the Prophet in the battle of Khandaq and other wars. ')Sentences are clear and sweet, Salman tells us great effort and great and noble struggle to find religious nature, which ultimately can be up to Allaah and imprint as a way of life that must be gone ....Which style of an accomplished man this guy? And the great advantage that the urgent Which great soul and whipped up strong willingness to overcome all difficulties and make possible things that seem impossible? Thirst and fondness for the truth which one has caused the owners are willing to leave home following property and all kinds of fun, then go cover areas not yet known - with all the obstacles and burdens - moving from one area to another, from one country to others do not know tired or exhausted, in addition to not forget to pray diligently. , .?

while the sharp eyes always watching humans, investigate their life and a different flow, being its main aim was never moved from the original, which is no other than just looking for the truth. So, pound dibaktikannya noble sacrifice in order to achieve the guidance of Allah, until he is traded as a slave. , , And finally he was given God rewarded in kind to be met with al-Haq and dipersuakan with His Messenger, and blessed with longevity, until he can see with their eyes how the banner of God fluttering all over the world, while Muslims fill the room and corner -sudutnya with the guidance and direction of God, with prosperity and justice ...!How the final denouement can we expect from a character sincere and hard against his will in such a way? Indeed, Islam has become Muslim men Salman is a major and piety. And in intelligence, simplicity and freedom from the influence of the world, then the situation is very similar to the Umar bin Khatthab.He lived with Abu Darda in a house a few days. Average habits Abu Darda worship at night and fasting at Lunch time. Salman forbade such outrageous in worship.One day his wish Salman Abu -Darda break intention to shaum sunnat tomorrow. She blamed him: "Do you want to forbid fasting and praying for God?" And Salman replied: "Verily, your eyes have a right upon you, nor your family has a right over you. In addition to fasting thee, berbukalah; and in addition to praying, go to bed! "The incident reached the ears of the Prophet, then his saying:Prophet. Salman himself often praised the intelligence and the height of his knowledge, as he praised the religious and noble in attitude of gratitude. In time of war Trench, the Ansar at his feet and said: "Salman of our group". Arise also the immigrants, they said: "No, he was from the class!" They were called by the Prophet, and his saying:Salman is one of us, Ahlul BaitAnd indeed selayaknyalah when Salman got such an honor. , .!Ali bin Abi Thalib karramallahu wajhah have given Salman with "Luqmanul Hakim". And when asked about Salman, who was dead, then he said:"He is one who comes from us and returned to us Ahlul Bait.Who else among you who would be able to match Luqmanul Hakim.He, having knowledge of the first so does the science of the latter.And they have read the first book and also the last book.Much like he was like a sea whose waters never dry ".In the heart of the Companions generally, personal Salman has got a noble position and a major degree. In the reign of Caliph Umar r.a. he came to Medina. Umar then do welcome that as far as we have not penah does to anyone else. He gathered the Companions and ask them: "Let us go welcomed Salman!" Then he went out with them to the outskirts of the city of Medina to welcome ...Since the meeting with the Messenger of Allah and faith in him, Salman live  as a Muslim independent, as a fighter and always serve. He also experienced the life time of Caliph Abu Bakar; then in the Amirul Mu'minin Umar; then at the time of Caliph Uthman, at which time he returned to his Lord hadlirat.In the years of the triumph of Muslims, the banner of Islam flying in all directions, property no small amount flowing to Medina as the center of government both as a tribute or taxes to then set the division according to the provisions of Islam, until the country is able to provide salaries and allowances permanent. As a result many are legally responsible issues arise regarding the balance and how to distribute it, until the work was piled and office added increased.Then in the mounds treasures that abound the country, where we can find Salman? Where can we find him at the time of wealth and glory, pleasure and prosperity ...?Open your eyes well!Appeared to you an authoritative parents sitting there in the shade of a tree, is engrossed in addition to utilize the remaining time devoted to country, and establishing weaving palm leaves to be used as a basket or baskets. Now that he is Salman ...!

Look more carefully!Look at the fabric that is short, because it is very open in short to his knees. Whereas old is an authoritative, capable and needy. The benefit derives not least, between four and six thousand a year. But all that was donated exhausted, a drachma was not taken to him. He said: "For I bought the material leaves one dirham, and I do, and I sold three dirhams. I picked that one dirham for capital, one dirham again to a living family ,. being one dirham rest for Sadaqah. If Umar bin Khatthab forbade me to do so, nor have going to stop them! "Then how, O Ummah of the Prophet? How O humanity, anywhere and anytime? When I heard most of the Companions and their lives are very humble, like Abu Bakar, Umar, Abu Dhar and others; most of us thought that it was due to the atmosphere of the desert environment, where. an Arab can only cover himself earthy purposes.But now we are dealing with a Persian prince, a country famous for luxury and pleasure, and living lavishly while he was not of the poor or subordinates, but from the propertied class and high class. Why is now refusing possessions, wealth and pleasure; stick with earthy life, no more than one dirham per day, which is obtained from the results of his labors alone ...?Why the rejection of the rank and not willing to accept it? He said: "If you are still able to feed the soil - the origin is not in charge of two people. -, then do it! "Why he refuses rank and position, unless the head of an army going into battle? Or in an atmosphere of no one who is able to take responsibility except him, until he was forced to do it with heart and soul croon moody? Then why when holding positions that must be endured, he did not accept the benefits given to him in. kosher?Narrated by Hisyam bin Hisan of Hasan: "Salman allowance of five thousand a year, (picture of simplicity) when he addressed a crowd of thirty thousand people half outer clothing (aba'ah) used as a seat pad and a half longer cover his body. If allowances out, then indivisible them out until they run out, looking for nafqahnya of the results of operations of both hands ".Why would he do such a thing and very ascetic to the world, when he was a son of the usual Persi drowning in pleasure and influenced the flow of progress? Let us hear the answer he gave when he was on the couch on his deathbed, when a noble soul who had been preparing to return to his Lord, Most Merciful Linggi again.Sa'ad bin Abi Waqqash datang to see her, then Salman cry. "What you tangiskan, O Abu Abdillah ',') asked Sa'd," and Rasulullah saw. died in a state ridla to you? "" By God, Salman said, "me weep not for fear of death or expect luxury world, the Prophet was delivering a message to us, his saying:Let the respective sections of the wealth of this world masingmu ni such as provision of a rider.whereas my property so many ".

Sa'ad said: "I note, nothing. looked around me except for one dish and a washbasin. Then I said to him: "O Abu Abdillah, give us a message that we will always remember you!" Then he said:"O Sa'd!Remember Allah in times your grief, are you suffering. And in your decision if you menghukumi. And when your hands do the division ".Apparently this is what has filled the hearts of Salman about wealth and satisfaction. He has filled it with asceticism of the world and all wealth, rank with effect; that is the message Rasulullah saw. to him and to all the companions, so that they are not controlled by the world and do not take any part thereof, except for a provision of a rider.Salman has fulfilled the message as well as possible, but the tears still fell loose when his soul was ready to depart; worried that he has exceeded the set limit. There were not in the room except a container plate feeding and a basin for drinking and wudlu. , , But even so he thought he had valid wasteful. , , , Well, did not we tell you that he is the spitting image of Umar?On the days he served as Amir or head area in Madain, the situation is not the slightest change. as we have seen, he refused to accept a salary as amir, one dirham though. He still take their living from the results of the leaves of the date palm, her clothes were nothing more than a piece of cloth outside, in the simplicity and kesahajaannya no different from his old clothes.One day, while walking on a road, he was approached by a man from Syria who brought sepikul figs and dates. Apparently, the burden is very heavy, so tiring. Demi seen by her man who appears as an ordinary person and from the class of dispossessed, terpikirlah about to tell him to bring fruits to be rewarded for his efforts when it has reached the destination. He motioned him to come to him, and Salman menurut submission. "Please bring this stuff!", Said the people of Syria that. So the stuff that was dipikullah by Salman, and then the two of them walked together.On the way they passed a convoy. Salman saluted them, he replied, pausing: "Also to the amir, we say hello". "Also to the emir?" Amir where they mean? "Asked the Syrian in the liver. Growing astonishment when he saw some of the members of the group rushed to the burden borne by Salman with the intention of going to replace him, they said: "Give us, O emir!"Now the Syrian understood that no other coolies Salman al-Farisi, amir of the town of Madain. The man became nervous, words of regret and apology like flowing from his lips. He came to pull the load it from his hand, but Salman refused, and said, shaking his head: "No, before kuantarkan to rurnahmu! "Once Salman never asked people: Why you do not like the position as amir? The answer: "Because the hold but bitter sweet time releasing time!"On when the other one, a Companions Salman entered the house, he found he was sitting cooking the flour, then the Companions asked: Where waitress? She said: "I was told to run an errand, then I do not want to he had to do two jobs at once" *

What exactly do we call the "house"? Let us tell you how the actual state of the house. When about excessive building known as the "house", Salman asked the builder: "What style of home you want to build?" Incidentally, the builder is a 'wise, knowing Salman simplicity and nature do not like bermewah - luxurious. Then he said: "Do not you worry! The house is a building that can be used at the time ruled by heat and shelter at the time, it was raining. Supposing you stand, then you'll head up to the roof; and if you are lying down, then your feet will stumble on the wall ". "Right", Salman said, "that's what it home you are going to wake up!"None of valuables in the life of this world that is favored or preferred by Salman slightest, except an item that was very expected and dipentingkannya, even had entrusted to his wife to be kept in a hidden and secure.When the pain that brings death, that on the morning of his departure, his wife called in to take titipannya first. Presumably just a bunch of musk obtained exemption Jalula first time. Goods was deliberately kept to perfumes in the day he died. Then he summoned his wife took a cup of water, sprinkled with musk washed by hand, then Salman said to his wife: "This water Percikkanlah around me. , , Now has a presence in front of me creature of God ') were not able to eat, are fond of perfumes. , .!When finished, he said to his wife: "Tutupka'nlah door and come down!" The order was also be followed by his wife. And shortly whom his wife back inside, he found the soul that hath Barkah has left the world and separated from his body ... He has reached a high realm, taken to fly by the wings of longing; longs to fulfill his promise to meet again with Rasulullah Muhammad and the two companions Abu Bakar and Umar, and other noble figures from the group of martyrs and key people ....Salman ....Lamalah already treated hearts longingFeels satisfied, remove the missing thirsty thirst.May the Grace of God accompanying. (edywitanto, khalid muhammad khalid-diponegoro)



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