Friday, March 31, 2017

3. ABU DZAR AL-GHIFARI Simple Life Movement Leader - He came to Mecca staggered exhausted but happy eyes shining. , , Indeed, the difficulty of travel and the heat of the desert had seared his body with pain and fatigue, but goals or had alleviate suffering and breathes the spirit and joy in his soul.He entered the city in disguise. As if he were about to perform a circumambulating big idols in the Kaaba; or as if the traveler who got lost on the way; or more precisely the person who has traveled so far, which requires rest and increase supplies.In fact, if the people of Mecca know that his arrival was to meet Muhammad saw. and hear testimony, they would kill him! But he did not care to be killed, if only after crossing the vast desert, he can see the man he was looking for and expressed faith in him. Truth and proselytizing given Muhammad saw. can satisfy him.He kept walking, listening, and each heard people talk about Muhammad saw., He approached and listened carefully; up of stories scattered here and there, obtaining clues that may indicate the hideout Muhammad saw., and bringing with him.In one morning, he went to the place, he found Muhammad saw. was sitting alone. He approached the Prophet and said, "Good morning, O fellow countrymen!" " 'Alaikas greetings, O Companions", said Prophet.Abu Dzar said: "Read me the results of your compositions!" "He was not sya'ir to be composed, but it is a glorious Quran!", Said the Prophet: "Read, then!" Said Abu Dzar anyway. Hanlah then be read by the Prophet, while Abu Dzar listened intently, until not long ago he exclaimed: "ASYHADU ASYHADU alla ilaha illa Allah wa anna Muhammadan 'wa abduhu rasuluh"Where are you from, fellow countrymen?" Asked the Prophet. "From Ghifar", he said. Then the big smile on the lips of the Prophet, while his face was filled with awe and ta'jub. Abu Dzar smiled anyway, because he knows the taste hidden behind the awe of Allah. for the sake of hearing that people who have claimed to Islam in front of him in terns of that light, a man of Ghifar.Ghifar is a tribe or clan peerless in terms of distance. They are so simile comparison in doing incredible journey. Warn night and pitch black does not matter to them ,, and woe to those who go astray or fall into the hands of the Ghifar at night!Now, at a time when Islam newborn. and runs secretly, could be among those Ghifar the man had come to convert to Islam? Abu Dzar said in telling his own story: "Then the Prophet also view up and down, never give up ta'jub thinking Ghifar tabi'at people, and his saying:Indeed, Allah gives guidance to whom he liked ...!

True, God leadeth whom He wills! Abu Dzar one is God's will receive instructions, His chosen people will receive goodness.And indeed, Abu Dzar is a keen observations about the truth. According to history, he was one against idolatry in the time of ignorance, have faith in Belief and faith in God Almighty, the Most Creator.Thus, just as she heard the advent of a prophet who denounced idol and worshiper-worshipers and called on Allah Almighty again Perkasa, so he went to prepare himself and immediately takes his first steps.Abu Dzar had converted to Islam without delay. The sequence among Muslims is the fifth or sixth. So he has embraced the religion on the first days, even pads the first moments of the Islamic religion, to become Muslim are included in the forefront.When he converted to Islam, the Prophet was delivering his preachings are whispering. Whispered to Abu Dzar so did the five other people who had faith in him. And for Abu Dhar, nothing he can do now other than the belief harbored in the chest and left Mecca silently and go back to his people.But Abu Dzar, whose real name Jundub bin Janadah, a radical and revolutionary. Has become a character and tabi'atnya against falsehood wherever it is located. And now falsehood was in front of him and witnessed with her own eyes. , , , The stones are walled, formed by the devotees, worshiped by the people bowed their heads and lowered their mind, and summoned them with grandiose words: Here we are, we come for follow titahmu!Indeed, he saw the Messenger of choosing the way of whispering on these days, but there may not be there a loud scream which is blown rebels have accomplished before he left. Baja new convert to Islam, he has confronted the question to the Prophet:"O Messenger of Allah, what shall I do to you?" "Go back to your father's house until I tell you later! '" Said the Prophet. "By the Lord of my life ', said Abu Dzar anyway," soya will not come back before shouting Islam in the mosque! "Did not I tell you ...?Radical and revolutionary soul! Is Abu Dzar at the time of the opening of the new nature vividly, which clearly painted on the person of the Prophet which it is placed, and proselytizing are delivered with verbal description. .., if at such times he was able to return to her family in a state of deafening silence? Indeed, it is beyond the ability and capabilities!Abu Dzar went to the Haram and called with aloud voice: "ASYHADU alla ilaha illa Allah, wa anna Muhammadan ASYHADU prophet". As far as we, this cry is the first cries of Islam against the arrogance of the Quraysh and their ear-splitting children .... called for by a foreign immigrants,that Mecca has no nation, relatives and defenders. And as a result, he gets the treatment from those who actually have understandably be met ... Pagans surrounded and beat him to collapse.

News of the events experienced by Abu Dzar was finally arrived at the Prophet's uncle, Abbas. He immediately went to the scene of the incident, but he felt he could not release Abu Dhar from their clutches unless using subtle diplomacy, then he told them: "O people of Quraysh! You are all a nation of merchants who would not want to pass the village of Bani Ghifar. And this guy one of its citizens, when he would act to incite his people to rob caravans - caravan later! "They were equally aware of it, then go away.But Abu Dzar who has received his sweetness suffering in defending the Religion of Allah, do not want to leave Mecca before successfully obtain additional of devotion dharma.So the next day, he could see two women were circumambulating the idols USAF and Na-god beseeching him. Abu Dzar immediately stood blocking, and in the presence of their idols was insulted uncontrollably.Both women were squealing scream, until the uproar and came like locusts, then showered Abu Dzar to blow into unconsciousness. When he regained consciousness, then diserunya nothing but "that there is no god but Allah diibadahi haq, and that Muhammad is the messenger of God".It's known already Rasulullah saw. going nature and his new pupil tabi'at this accomplished and amazing courage in the fight against falsehood. Just a pity the time has not yet arrived, then diulanginyalah orders that din return, until he had heard later when Islam was born openly, he can come back and take part in the international arena and various events. Abu Dzar regain his family and his people and told them about the barn prophet sent by God, who called for serving God Almighty and guide them to glorious berakhlaq. one by one his people to convert to Islam. Even efforts were not limited to his people alone, but the continuation of the other tribes - namely Aslam tribe - in the midst of them he radiated the light of Islam ....Days after the circulation period, the Prophet migrated to Madinah and settled down there with the Muslims. One day, long lines consisting of drivers and pedestrians heading for the suburbs, leaving a cloud of dust behind them. If it does not sound roar their takbir review, which surely would think those soldiers saw idolaters who wanted to attack the city.
Large entourage was getting close. , , then go inside. town ... and directed their steps to the mosque of the Prophet and his residence.It turns out that no other group of tribes Ghifar and Aslam were deployed all by Abu Dzar and without exception had converted to Islam; men, women, parents, youth and children.Already selayaknyalah Prophet increasingly ta'jub and amazed! Not long ago, he ta'jub there was a man of Ghifar stating Islam in front of him. Show keta'juban his saying that:Indeed, Allah gives guidance to whom He wills.So now that it's come all citizens who declare their Islam Ghifar. After a few years they embrace the religion, since they were given guidance of Allah at the hands of Abu Dhar. And join them together they Aslam tribe. Giant robber and gang Satan has been transformed into a giant virtue and supporting the truth! Well, is not that Allah gives guidance to whom He wills?Prophet gaze to the faces beaming, the views were overwhelmed with compassion and love. Turning to the tribe Ghifar, he said:Ghifar tribe has in-Ghafar - forgiven - by God.Then, while facing the Aslam tribe, his saying anyway:Aslam tribe has disalam - accepted peacefully by God.And regarding Abu Dzar, eminent preacher spirited, free and noble dreams, would not the Prophet will deliver a special greeting to him? No doubt, surely the reward is infinite, and - a greeting to him filled with blessings! And surely on his chest will be embedded highest star, so anything about his life will be full of achievements. Derivatives and derivatives for the sake of the generations will pass away, but people will always repeat as the Lord by the Prophet. Abu Dzar about this:Never again be found under this sky, the more true words of Abu DzarMore true words of Abu Dzar. Indeed, Rasulullah saw. like the next day companions had read it, and concluded all of the sentence, is. Truth with courage, that the principle of the whole life of Abu Dhar!

Bathinnya true, it is also true birth.True 'sound belief, it is also true words.He will live his life correctly, it will not make a mistake. And the truth was not a virtue that dumb, because for Abu Dzar, the mute truth is not the truth! Said truth is expressed openly and frankly, that declared the Truth and against falsehood, support the right and abolish the wrong.True it is full of the love of truth, set this brave and implement them commendable.With keen eyesight, like penetrate into the supernatural realm far unreachable or the unfathomable ocean, Rasulullah saw. revealing all the hardship that will be experienced by Abu Dzar as a result of the truth and decisiveness. It's always been booked him to train themselves with keshabaran and not impetuous.Pads One day the Prophet proposed to him the following questions:"O Abu Dzar, what did you think when encounter the officials who took the goods tribute to them personally?" Answer Abu Dzar: "By the One who sent you with the truth, I'll slash them with the sword!" Word of the Prophet as well: "Would you like me give a better way than that. , , ? Is bershabar until you see ".Do you know why the Prophet asked a question like that? That's the problem magnifying and treasure ...!
Now that the primary issue for Abu Dhar and for that he should devote his life, a polytheism regarding mankind and the future society should be solved!

It has been understood by the Prophet, and that is why to him asking the question as such, is to provided him with invaluable advice: "Bershabarlah until you see".Then Abu Dhar will always remember the teacher and the Apostle's testament. He tiadalah will use the sharpness of the sword against the officials who scoop the wealth of the people as a threat treasure first. , , , But also he will not be silent or be silent if a little moment did against them!Indeed, if Rasulullah saw. forbidden to use weapons to slash their throats, but he did not forbid using a sharp tongue for the sake of defending the truth. And will it be implemented ...!Time of the Prophet to pass, already, followed by time. Abu Bakar, then Umar period. In both of Khilafah still can be tamed as well as possible the temptation of life and elements of slander divisive, to lust-hungry greedy thirst finds no wind or get in the way.When that there are no abuses that would lead to rise against the Abu Dzar loud voice and criticism of spicy. It has long been true in Amirul Mu'minin Umar government must live a simple and stay away from luxury and justice for every official and magnifying Islam. So even the wealthy where they are located, has implemented strict discipline that is almost not terpikul by human kernampuan.Nobody among the officials, either in Iraq, in Syria, Sana, or in a land far away though, that eat snacks expensive unaffordable by the common people, except every few days the news will come to Umar and loud commands will call the relevant officials facing the Caliph in Medina to undergo a rigorous examination.Abu Dzar would be calm if so ... serene and peaceful, as long as al-Faruqul 'adhim') was still the Commander of Mu'- minin. , , , And during Abu Dzar in his life not to be disturbed by the defect-lameness such as stacking property and abuse of power, then by Ibn Umar supervision Khatthab tight against the ruling parties and the equitable division of property, meaning it has to give satisfaction and relief to him .... And thus it can he concentrate on worshiping God the creator and strive in His way, without even going to remain silent if they see mistakes here and there, when it is rare ....But after the great caliphs were very fair and most admirable among humanitarians have gone, feels the void in leadership. In fact, it represents a setback that can not be controlled and limited by human power. While the spread of the teachings of al-Islam to foster prosperity across the world live. People who can not resist the temptation of the world many of which fall into the luxury that exceeds the limit.Abu Dzar saw this danger ....
Pennants personal interest almost dragging and ejecting those daily duties to uphold the banner of Allah. And the world, with the appeal and deceit dazzling, almost too beguile those who carry out the minutes to use it as a forum for sowing and instill virtue!And God made the property as a waitress to be subservient to men, tend to be transfigured, becoming master control people.And to whom. , .?Nothing else to companions-companions of Muhammad saw., Who at the time his death was pawned his armor, while mounds of tribute and spoils piled up under the soles of his feet!The results were deliberately intended the earth's riches of God for all mankind, to make them have the same rights, almost turned into a privilege and monopoly rights for those who are immersed in luxury.And occupation, which is mandated to be accounted for before the court later in the Divine, turning into a tool for seizing power, wealth and luxuries to destroy destroyed.Abu Dzar saw all this. He did not think about whether it is the duty and responsibility. Only he immediately drew the sword, put it into the air and dissected. Then he stood up and challenged the people who have deviated from the teachings of Islam with the sword never dull it. But as soon as bergemalah his heart sounds that have been submitted Prophet testament to him first. So the inclusion of that sword back. into sarungnyanya, because there is no appropriate that he be held it up to the face of a Muslim.And no haq for a Mu'min to kill more unless Mu min by mistake (unintentionally).(Q.S. 4 an-Nisa: 92).Did not the Prophet had declared in front of the companions that under this sky will never again appear the more true words of Abu Dzar? People who have this ability, the form of words precise and accurate, no longer need other weapons. One sentence was saying, will be sharper and more the result than the sword, although full earth.So the truth weapon he would go get the officials, the rich; in short to the world of men that tend to accumulate wealth that harm religion, that religion had come to give guidance and not to levy tribute, because the prophetic is not a kingdom, a blessing gift of not being punished miserable, teaches humility instead of pride themselves, the equation is not pengkastaan, simpleness not greed, not extravagance simplicity, peace and wisdom in the face of life is not deceived and furiously in the chase ...!Let him go get them all, and let God be the judge of which are with them, and He is the Best of judges!Then. Abu Dzar went to see the centers of power and the treasury, and with their tongues sharp and really change their mental attitudes one by one. Within a few days is like he has become the banner under which shelter the masses and the working class, even in a distant land whose people I have never had to see it.Names like Abu Dzar fly there and no single region that path - even though the new name is that to get there - creates fear and fear into the hearts ruling parties and the affluent class of cheating.If driving this simple life was about to take a standard for self and movement, the symbol will be displayed on the banner was none other than an iron with the red-hot coals. While that would be a watchword and again which is always repeated repeated every time and place, and repeated Pula by. followers as if a struggle song, this sentence is the sentence:"Preach to the stacker treasure, which accumulate gold and silver,they will be ironed with the iron Fire forehead and waist ironed them in the last daysEvery time he climbed the hill, down the valley into the city; and all he was confronted with a ruler, that sentence is always the fruit of his mouth. So did everyone see it come to visit, they would greet him with the words: "Preach to the stacker treasures. , .! "This sentence really has become the banner of a mission which becomes determination and driving in dedicated his life, for he saw the treasure had been stacked and monopolized and abused office to foster strength and scoop profits; as well as the world has witnessed that love is rampant and almost smear results have been achieved in the years of the apostolate, such as virtue and keshalihan, seriousness and sincerity.

Abu Dzar addressed first target against the main shaft power and wealth giant warehouse, namely Syria, where Bercokolnya Mu'awiya bin Abi Sufyan who rule Islam's most fertile region, most crops and most rich tribute goods. Mu'awiya had been delivering and distributing property without calculation, with the aim of taking care of people respected and influential, and for the sake of ensuring the future of which is still missed, coveted by a broad desire not limited to ....Lands there wide, tall buildings and treasures abound has teased living remnants of the Bearers of proselytizing, the Abu Dzar must quickly address them, before it is protracted, before help came too late until the rice has become porridge ,This simple life movement leader was packed, and lightning-fast left for Syria. And for the sake of the story heard by the masses, they welcome him with zeal longingly, and follow where it goes."Speak, O Abu Dzar!" They said, "speak, O Companions of the Messenger of Allah!" Abu Dzar taking his eyes probing toward people crowding. He saw most of them are poor people are in need of. Then leveled his eyes toward altitude places are not far away from there, behold him mahligai buildings and tall. He cried out to the people who gathered around it:"I was surprised to see people who do not have food in the house, why he did not come to the people with the sword!"But soon she remembered testament Also Prophet told him to choose the way of evolution rather than revolution way, using words rather than guns sword said. Then he left the war and re-use the language of logic language and words telling. These people taught to the one that they did not change like the teeth of a comb. that. all rizqi Reviews their association in that there is no excess someone from the other except by Piety and that leaders and Officials from a group, it must first suffer from hunger before his men, otherwise the rearmost enjoy glut after them ...!
With words and courage. Abu Dzar has decided to form a common opinion in every Islamic country; up with the truth, strength and toughness into curbing of the princes and the rich, and can prevent the emergence of a group who abused their power or to accumulate wealth.Within a few days the area of ​​Syria seemed to turn into cells of bees suddenly find that their queen ta'ati. And if Abu Dzar signaled to rebel, revolt will surely blazing fire. But as we have said before, his intentions only, limited to form a public opinion must be respected, and that his remarks be foam lips in meeting places, in mosques and in the streets.Danger of differences that arise it reached its peak, when he had a dialogue  with Mu'awiya in public, which are present convey to absentees and news, like flying in the wind. Abu Dzar hadir as the most apt word as described by the Prophet as teacher.By not feel daunted and covered up in her ask Mu'awiya about wealth before becoming governor and his fortune now.... Regarding the house they Inhabit in Mecca used to be, and his mahligai-mahligai, located in Syria today. ,,,
Then confronted her questions to the Companions who sat around him items, namely that come with Mu'awiya to Syria and have had the buildings and lands were vast agricultural anyway. Then he cried out to all present: "Do gentlemen when the Qur'an was revealed to the Prophet, he was in the gents'. Answer questions it exerts itself, he said:" Yes, lord-tuanlah al-Quran was revealed, and host-tuanlah who have experienced wars! "

Then repeated the question: "Are not these gentlemen have encountered in the Koran verses":And those who hoard gold and silver and do not menafqahkannya in the way of Allah, that they will receive a painful punishment. That is, when gold and silver are heated in the fire of hell, then diseterikakan to the forehead, to the waist and backs to them - he said -. Well, here it is that you keep for yourself that, then Taste the consequences! "(Q.S. at-Taubah 9: 24-35).

Mu'awiya cutting off the conversation, he said: "This verse was revealed to the People of the Book!", "No!" Said Abu Dzar; "He even revealed to us and to them!"Abu Dzar continued his speech, advised Mu'awiya and his men in order to release the building, land and treasure it; and do not keep to ourselves each except for a daily use.News of Abu Dzar and the answer to question is spread by word of mouth, from people to people. Slogan louder sounds in the houses and in the streets: "Tell stacker will treasure iron fire-irons!"

Mu'awiya aware of the danger, he worried about the result of this eminent figure greeting. But he also understood the influence and position, to not be doing things that are painful. Just immediately wrote a letter to the Caliph Uthman r.a. stated: "Abu Dhar had damaged people in Syria!"In reply Uthman sent a letter asking Abu Dhar came to Medina. Back Abu Dzar pack rolled up his trouser leg, then left for Medina. And on the day of the departure, Syria witnessed moments of parting and farewell from the general public, an unusual event that has never been witnessed so far ...!
"I do not need the world gents. , "
So the answer given by Abu Dzar to Uthman after he arrived in Medina, ie, after a long discussion took place between them. From talks with the companions, and the news came to him from all corners of the vast majority of states support the opinion of Abu Dzar Uthman fully aware of the dangers of this movement and strength. From it he took the decision will limit the pace, namely by having Abu Dzar lived nearby Medina.The decision was presented and offered by the Caliph in soft gentle and thoughtful, he said: "Stay here beside me! Provided you camel fat, which would deliver milk in the morning and afternoon! "" I do not need to be world gentlemen! "Said Abu Dzar.True, he does not need the human world Because he belonged to a saint who seek spiritual wealth and live life to give and not to receive! In the one asked him to the Caliph Uthman r.a. that he be given idzin stay in Rabadzah, then let her in.

Raged in the revolutionary movement of Abu Dhar maintain the mandate of Allah and His Messenger, and took in to the bone marrow sumnya advice given by the Prophet. in order not to use weapons. And as if the Prophet had seen all of the unseen; especially regarding Abu Dzar and his future, his then conveyed the precious advice.
Therefore, Abu Dzar does not want to hide his astonishment to hear some people who like to turn on libel, have used words and preachings to meet the desires and their violent tactics. One day when he was in Rabadzah came delegation from Kufa asked him to fly the flag of revolt against the Caliph. So disemburnya them with the express wording as follows:"By God, if Uthman was about crucify me at the highest wooden pole or on a hill though, I certainly hear his command and I obey, I bershabar and unconscious, and I feel that way is the best for me.,.!"

"And if she Tells me to wander from one end to the world, I will surely hear and obey, I be patient and unconscious, and I feel that way is the best for me.,.!"
"So even if he meyuruhku go to my house, I will surely hear and obey, I bershabar and unconscious, and I felt that way is the best for me ...!"

That he was a hero who does not want something worldly purpose; and therefore God lavishes his "view-through" until he again saw the Dangers and disasters hidden behind the armed uprising shunned her.
As he had seen what will happen when he was silent and did not go to the other sounds of danger and disaster, then avoided anyway. Then ditariklah voice not his sword, called right speech and words firmly, without a desire whatever consequences that would encourage or hinder.

Abu Dzar had to devote all his energy to fight peacefully and away from the temptations of life of the world. He will spend the rest of his life to do a deeper investigation of the wealth and power, because they have the appeal and the base of the feared Abu Dzar slander against his friends who have carried the banner of Islam along with Rasulullah saw. and which should remain for the next bear.In addition, power and wealth are the lifeblood of the community and society, until when both have been sorted out, then the fate of mankind will face the danger completely.Abu Dzar desirous that none among the companions of Rasul an officer or collecting possessions, but let them remain a pioneer to the guidance of Allah and for His servants. It has been recognized correctly trickery world and this treasure, and realized also that Abu Bakar and Umar could not get back up. It has also heard the Prophet. Companions-companions will warn the appeal of this position and advised her:

This is a mandate, and in the last days cause humiliation and regret. ,,, Unless the person who picked it right, and to fulfill obligations borne him right. ,,"So tight Abu Dhar know it, until - until it away from his siblings and relatives taulan, if not virtually severed ties with them, Because they have Become Themselves Officials who own property and affluent.

One day he was met by Abu Musa al-Ash'ari, and as he saw Abu Dzar, then stretched his arms, shouting for joy at the meeting. "O Abu Dzar survived. , , congratulations O my brother! "; But Abu Dzar refused, he said: "I'm not your brother anymore! We're brothers first before you become an official and the governor! "Similarly, when one day he was met by Abu Hurairah who hugged him mengueapkan survivors, Abu Dzar menolakkan with Langan, he said: "Get out than me, have you not become an official; to constantly put up a building, raising livestock and agricultural pursue! "Abu Hurairah refute with determination and reject all those rumors.Well, maybe Abu Dzar being unreasonable in view of the wealth and power. But it has the logic that must be confirmed with the truth and his keimanan-. Abu Dzar then stand up to the ideals and works, with thoughts and actions, following the pattern that has been exemplified for them by the two companions of the Prophet and Abu Bakar and UmarAnd if some people saw that it was too ideal size that could not be achieved, but Abu Dzar saw it as an obvious example; who has outlined a way of life and business, especially for the person who lives at the time of the Prophet; namely that perform prayers behind him, strive with him and have taken a pledge of allegiance would be submissive and obedient.Anyway, as we have said, with keen eyesight he saw that the wealth and the power it has a decisive influence on the destiny of man. Therefore, each of the evils that afflict the message of justice and power in terms of assets, will pose a great danger that must be removed!Throughout his life, energetically Abu; Dzar bear pennant prime example of the Prophet and the two companions, a buffer and as a reliable maintenance. And he became a guru in the art of escape from temptation position and wealth.At one time offered him a position as the amir in Iraq, he said: "By Allah, the gentlemen would not be baited with, the world of gentlemen it for ever!"Another time, a friend saw robes worn out, then he said: "Do not you still have any other clothes? Several days passed I see you have two pieces of new clothes! "

Abu Dzar replied: "O son of my brother! Both the clothes I have given to someone who needs it more than me! "Said the friend of that:" By Allah! You also need it! ", Answered Abu Dzar:" Forgive, O God. , .! You are raising the world! Do not you see Burdah I wear this? And I have another one for the Friday prayers. I had a goat to be milked, and -seekor donkey to ride! Ni'mat what else is greater than we have this ... T 'In a 'day he sat delivering a Hadith, he said:
 "I was given a will by junjunganku with seven cases: and he sent me to sympathize poor people and get closer to them. He sent and I saw the people under me and not to the people above me. , , , She ordered me not to ask for something to others .... She sent me to connect the rope shilaturahmi .... Haq brought me say that although bitter. , , , She sent me that in carrying out the Religion of Allah, do not fear the reproach of people. And made in order to multiply the mention: "Las hauls walaa quwwata illaa billah" 'Indeed, he lives it will undergo, and forged pattern according to the bequest of his life, until he became the conscience of the community of mankind and the nation. Imam Ali said: "No one living today who does not care reproach in upholding the religion of Allah, except Abu Dzar ...! "His life was devoted to oppose the abuse of power and accumulation of wealth!For Dropping wrong and uphold the right! Taking over responsibility for delivering advice and warnings!They forbid he gave the fatwa, but his voice grew loud, he told against it:"By God that my life is in His hands! If gentlemen put a sword on my shoulder, was according to my taste there was a chance to deliver a speech that I heard the Messenger thereof, surely I will tell these gentlemen well before cutting the stem of my neck ...! "O .... Why Muslims do not want to listen to advice and said he had said - -.! If they listen, surely slander blazing and protracted; that plunged the government and the Islamic community in danger, goes out and die in the womb ....Now Abu Dzar are facing death's door in Rabadzah. , , , A place chosen as a place of residence after a disagreement with Uthman r.a. Well, let us get it, to remove the departure of this great man, and watched the final denouement of his extraordinary life!A thin woman who skinned reddish and sat nearby weeping. That woman is his wife. Abu Dzar asked him: "What are you tangiskan when death is definitely coming?" He replied, "because you are going to die, but to us there is no cloth to kafanmu! "Abu Dzar smiling with very friendly - as well as those who want to wander away - and said to his wife:

"Do not Cry! One day, when I was on the side with some of the companions of the Prophet, I heard that he said: "Surely there is one among you who will die in the desert wild, which will be seen later oJeh group of believers -. .! "All that is in the Majlis Prophet had died in the village and in front of the congregation of Muslims, there is no longer alive among them except me. , , , Well, this is me now face death in the desert, then look to you the way. , , , who taboo lest the faithful group that was coming! By Allah, I do not lie, nor lied! "And his spirit returned to hadlirat God .... And, indeed, no one ....The caravan is running fast in the Sahara desert consisted of Mu'minin The group headed by Abdullah bin Mas'ud, the companions of Rasulullah saw. And before getting to the destination, Ibn Mas'ud had seen a body; a body lying like a corpse, was at his side an old woman with a child, both of them crying.Her bridle deflected vehicle to the place, Followed from behind by a member of the group. And for the sake of his gaze fell to the bodies, she Seemed to see the face of companions; his brother and his brother co-religionists in defending the religion of Allah, Abu Dzar. The tears flowed heavy, clan before the bodies are sacred, he said:

"It is true sayings of the Prophet ....You walk alone ....die alone ....and resurrected later kara. , ,Ibn Mas'ud r.a. even sit down, then diceiitakan to the companions intent of praise uttered it: "You walk alone, die alone and resurrected later by himself!Speech was happening at the time of war Tabuk ninth year of Hijrah. , , , Rasulullah saw. has been commissioned to advanced welcome and facing the Roman soldiers who had gathered in one place, ready to war would demolish the Islamic Ummah.Incidentally the time of the Prophet called on Muslims to jihad that, in the current difficult season and the scorching heat. Points to be addressed by its huge distance, being fearsome anyway. Most Muslims there who are reluctant to participate for various reasons.Prophet and his companions set out, followed by half forced because one may reluctantly. And increase their travel far, so does the difficulty and distress suffered.If there are people who are left behind, they said: "O Messenger of Allah! so-and-so has left behind ". Then he said:"Leave! Supposing it is useful, it will be followed by God to you. And supposing not, then God has freed you from it! "At one time, they looked around, they would not appear by Abu Dzar. So they said to Rasulullah saw .: "Abu Dhar had been left behind, causing his donkey was too late". Prophet repeated her answer.Abu Dzar donkey indeed been exhausted due to hunger and thirst and the blazing sun, until the pace becomes slow. There are tried with various menghalaunya sense to run fast, but fatigue like chained his legs.Abu Dzar felt that if so he will miss much of the Muslims to not be able to follow in their footsteps. So he got out of the back of his vehicle and took the luggage and carried on his back, and the continuation of the journey by foot. Dipercepatlah stride in the middle of a hot desert like burning, in order to follow Rasulullah saw. and his companions.In the morning, when Muslims have lowered their stuff to rest, suddenly one of the members of the group saw in the distance the dust rising up, being behind visible figure of a man who quickened his pace."O Messenger of Allah!" Said the man who saw it, "there was a man running  alone!" Said Rasulullah saw .: "Hopefully people that Abu Dzar ...!" They continued to talk while waiting for the newcomer was completed distances separate them, at which point they will know who he is.The noble traveler approaching them slowly, his pace like plucked from the burning soft sand, while the load on his back like menggantungi body. But he remained hopeful joy, because it managed to overtake the caravan which is surrounded Barkah, and did not miss from Rasulullah saw. and his brothers in arms ....And when he came near the group, one exclaimed: "O Messenger of Allah! for the sake of God he was Abu Dzar ". Meanwhile Abu Dhar directing his steps towards the Prophet. And for the sake of Rasulullah saw, tersungginglah smile on his lips, a smile full of courtesy and compassion, his saying:

"May Allah bestow His Mercy
to Abu Dzar ...!
He walked alone ....
Died alone ....
And resurrected later alone ....

After the elapsed period of twenty years or more from the day kits mentioned, Abu Dzar wafat in the desert Rabadzah kara. , , , Once alone anyway he leads an extraordinary life that nobody can compare with her. And in the pages of history, he appears alone - that the sole - both in grandeur and majesty ascetic ideals. , , And then Allah he will be resurrected later as the sole figure anyway, because with a pile of his services are not terpemadai many, there is no vacancy for others to co-exist ... (edywitanto, khalid muhammad khalid-diponegoro)



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