Wednesday, March 29, 2017

1. MUSH'AB BIN UMAIR First Islamic Duta & Father Tauhid - Mus'ab bin Umair one among the Companions of the Prophet. It would be nice if we start with a personal story: A teenager leading Quraishi, a most handsome and charming, full of soul and spirit of youth.

The muarrikh and history experts describe the spirit kepemudaannya with the sentence: "A citizen of the city of Mecca that has the most fragrant name".

He was born and raised in the fun, and grow in their environment. Perhaps none of the young people of Mecca were lucky to be spoiled by her parents in such a way as experienced by Mus'ab bin Umair.

Could presumably all-sufficiency of young people, living ordinary luxurious and spoiled, the fruit-lipped girls Mecca and became a star in meeting places, will increase such that the fruit of the passage about faith, into the imagery in the spirit of heroism?

Indeed, a history full of charm, history Mus'ab bin Umair or "Mus'ab good", as usual deployment by Muslims. He was one of the personalities of the Muslim forged by Islam and educated by Muhammad saw.

Which hue but personally ...?

Indeed, his life story became the pride of kemanaiaan general.

One day this young man to hear the news that has been widespread among Mecca residents of Muhammad al-Amin. , , Muhammad saw., Who said he had been sent by Allah as a messenger or worse, as a preacher who invites community worship God Almighty.

While the attention of the citizens of Mecca centered on the news, and not the bush on their conversation except about Rasulullah saw. and Religion brought, then these spoiled young people most at the news. Karma despite his young age, but he became a flower council meeting places are always expected attendance by members and friends. His style is handsome and intelligent brain is a privilege Ibnu Umair, being allurement and pacesetter troubleshooting.

Among the news he hears is that the Prophet been meeting with his followers in an area free from distractions away hordes of Quraysh and threats, which is in the hills of Safa at home Arqam bin Abil Arqam.

No doubt long runs, he waited only a short time, then one evening driven by a longing he went to the house Arqam accompany the group. In the place Rasulullah saw. often gathered with the companions, the place of teaching the verses of the Koran and bring them to pray worship God Almighty Akbar.

Just Mus'ab takes his seat, the verses of the Koran began to flow from the heart of the Prophet echoed through the mouth and reached the ears, pervasive in the hearts of the listeners. At dusk it Mus'ab was fascinated by the Prophet appropriate sentence strands meet the target on his heart.

Almost any young man rose from his seat because of compassion, and seemed to fly it for joy. But the Prophet extended his hand of blessing and mercy and chest massaging young men who were pangsbergejolak, until suddenly becoming a soul searching

quiet and peaceful, not like the ocean obah shade and deep. Youth who have Islam and Iman it seems to have had a vast knowledge and wisdom - double the size of the age - and had a liver concentrations were able to change the course of history. , .!

But in the city of Mecca no hidden secret, especially in such an atmosphere. Currency Quraysh roam everywhere to follow every step and along every trail.

Incidentally man named Usman bin Talha saw Mus'ab entered the house of Arqam furtively. Then on another day he also saw the prayer like Muhammad saw. Hat as soon as he gets Mus'ab's mother and reported the news that guaranteed the truth.

Mus'ab stood in front of her mother and her family as well as the authorities of Mecca who gathered at his house. With confident hearts and certainly recited verses of the Koran that delivered the Prophet to wash their consciences, filled with wisdom and honor, honesty and devotion.

When the mother was about silencing his son with a blow, suddenly hands' outstretched like an arrow receded and fell limp - for the sake of seeing nur or light that makes the face which has brightened brilliant it increasingly authoritative and should be ignored - cause a calmness to discourage the action.

Because the sense of motherhood, the mother of Mus'ab avoid the hit and hurt his son, but could not refrain from the demands of martial idols another road. Son brought it to an isolated place in his house, and the jailing laludikurung very tightly.
So while Mus'ab stayed in confinement until some Muslims migrated to Ethiopia. Hearing the news of this move Mus'ab was looking for deception, and managed to fool mother and his guards, then went to Ethiopia taken refuge. He lived there with his brother the immigrants, then return to Mecca. Then he went again a second time moved along the Companions at the command of the Prophet and for being obedient to him.

Either in Ethiopia or in Mecca, trials and suffering that must be passed Mus'ab in every time and place increasing. He has completed and successfully forged pattern of life according to the model pattern has been exemplified Muhammad saw. He was satisfied that his life was worth to be offered for sacrifice to the Creator, the Most High, the Supreme Lord Akbar ...

One day he appeared before some of the Muslims who are sitting around Rasulullah saw. Demi looked at Mus'ab, they each bowed his head and closed his eyes, while some eyes wet with grief. They saw Mus'ab robes worn mended while yet again missing from their memories - his clothes before converting to Islam - not obahnya like flowers in a garden, colorful and fragrant odor dissipating.

As for the Prophet, looking at him with a significant look, with love and gratitude in my heart, a smile tugging at his lips noble, as he said:

In the past I have seen this Mus'ab nobody offset in obtaining pleasure from their parents, then abandoned it for the love of Allah and His Messenger.

Since the mother was desperate to return to the religion of the old Mus'ab, he had to stop all the usual administration delegated to him, he did not deign even rice eaten by people who had broken the idols and should receive the curse thereof, even his own child.

Mus'ab end of the meeting with his mother, when she was about to try to lock him again when he returned home from Ethiopia. He was swearing and expressed his determination to kill the messengers mother bile plan was carried out. Because she knew her son's determination that has taken a decision, there is no other way for him but let him go with tears, while Mus'ab said goodbye with crying too.

When the separation was described to us remarkable persistence in disbelief mother parties, on the contrary a greater determination in maintaining the faith of a child hand. When the mother out of the house, saying: "Go as you please! I'm not your mother anymore ". So Mus'ab was menghampiti his mother and said: "O Mother! Had child to convey advice to the mother and child to be merciful to the mother. Therefore bear witness that no god but Allah, and Muhammad is His slave and messenger ".

With her mother's rage and indignantly replied: "By the Star! Once in a while I will not go into that Your religion. My brain may be damaged, and the fruit will not be begging my mind again ".

Thus Mus'ab meninggalkari luxury and pleasure they experienced during it, and choose a life of poverty and misery. Handsome and elegant young man, now has become a destitute with rough and worn clothes, a day to eat and a few days hungry.

But the soul that has been decorated with the 'aqidah holy and brilliant thanks to gilding Nur Ilahi, has transformed itself into another human being, the man who is respected, dignified and respected ...
When Mus'ab been a Prophet to perform an all-important task of the moment. He became an ambassador or envoy Apostle to Medina to teach the ins and outs of religion to those Ansar who have faith and allegiance to the Prophet in the hills of 'Aqabah. In addition to invite others to embrace the religion of Allah, as well as the city prepares to welcome hijratul Madinah the Prophet as a major event.

Actually, among the companions when it was still a lot of older, more influential and more close to the Messenger of family relationships than Mus'ab. Rnenjatuhkan Prophet choice but to "Mus'ab good". And it is not fully aware that he has a very important task to impose upon the young man's shoulder, and gave him responsibility for the fate of Islam in Medina, a city that is soon going to be the city inaccuracy or city moved, the center of the preacher proselytizing, place spreader berhimpunnya Religion and defenders al-Islam.

Mus'ab assume the mandate, armed with God's gift to him, in the form of an intelligent mind and a noble mind. With the ascetic nature, honesty and sincerity, he managed to soften and captivates people of Madinah until they flocked to convert to Islam

Arriving in Medina, he found Muslims there are not more than two betas people, the only people who have allegiance in the hills of 'Aqabah. But not until several months later, they increase people together to meet the call of Allah and His Messenger.

In the next pilgrimage season of the treaties' Aqabah, the Muslims of Medina send a delegation representing them to the Prophet. And the mission was led by their teachers, the ambassador sent Prophets to them, that Mus'ab bin Umair.

With the right and prudent action, Mus'ab bin Umair has proven that the Prophet saw.atas her choice was right. He understands the task fully, until there was already beyond the predetermined limit. He realized that his job was calling to God, conveyed the good news the birth of a religion that invites people achieve the guidance of Allah, guide them to the straight path. Akhlaqnya follow the pattern of life in a loving Prophet, who carry liability only deliver a mere ......
Medina Mus'ab stayed as a guest in the house of As'ad bin Zararah. Accompanied As'ad, he went to visit tribes, homes and places perternuan, to read passages of Scripture and God, deliver kalimattullah "that the Lord God Almighty" carefully.

Once he faced some events that threaten the safety of yourself and companions, who almost hurt if not for keeerdasan sense and greatness of soul. One day, when he was giving advice to people, suddenly ambushed Hudlair the tribe Usaid bin Abdul Asyhal tribes in Medina. Usaid armed robbery Mus'ab with menyen-

would spear. Remarkably upset and angry Usaid, watching Mus'ab considered to be disruptive and distorts his men from their religion, and express God Almighty that they never knew and heard before it. Though it was thought Usaid, their gods were kneeling lena in its place easily contacted concretely. If someone needs one of them, surely he would know his place and immediately went to visit him to explain difficulties and submit the application. , , , Such is depicted and reflected in the mind of the tribe of Abdul Asyhal. But the God of Muhammad saw. - called for worship Him - by messenger came to them would have no who knows his place and nobody can see him.

Demi seen the arrival of Usaid bin Hudlair wrath like a fire was burning to the Muslims who sit with Mus'ab, they feel intimidated and scared. But "Mus'ab good" remained calm with an unchanging expression.

Like a lion about to pounce, Usaid stood in front of Mus'ab and As'ad bin Zararah, he snapped: "What do you mean coming to this village, whether small people want to fool us? Leave this place immediately, if you do not want your lives drift immediately! "

As the oceanic calm and steadiness. , , , Like the quiet and peacefulness of the light of dawn. , , , Terpancarlah sincerity "Mus'ab good", and move his tongue issued a fine speech, he said: "Why do not you sit down and listen to first? If you like it later, you can accept it. Conversely, if not, we will stop what you do not like it! "

Usaid actually a sensible and healthy minded. And now he was invited by Mus'ab to speak and ask petimbangan to his own conscience. He asked only that he is willing to listen and not to others. If he approves, he will let Mus'ab, and if not, then Mus'ab promised to leave the village and their community to look for places and people, with no harm or harmed another person.
"Now I realize", said Usaid, then dropped his spear into the ground and sat listening. Demi Mus'ab read the verses of the Koran and describes proselytizing carried. by Muhammad bin Abdullah saw., then chest Usaid began to open and radiant, rhythmic heave cadency follow and absorb its beauty. And yet again Mus'ab finished from the description. Usaid was called to him and to the companions: "How beautiful and true words. , .! And what is to be done by the person who wants to enter this religion? "And as the answer gemuruhlah tahlil voice, in unison as if to shake the earth. Then Mus'ab said: "Let it purify themselves, clothes and body, and testify that there is no god but God diibadahi haq".

Some older Usaid left them, then turned back, squeeze the water out of his hair, and he stood with his confession stating that there is no god but Allah diibadahi haq and that Muhammad is the messenger of Allah ....

Immediately the news was mightily. Usaid Islam followed by the presence of Sa'ad bin Mu'adh. And after hearing the Mus'ab, Sa'd was satisfied and converted to Islam as well.

This step is followed also by Sa'ad bin Tbadah. And being Muslim, it means selesailah problems with various tribes in Medina. Residents of the city of Medina mutually arrive and question-asking their neighbors: "If Usaid bin Hudlair, Sa'ad bin 'Ubadah and Sa'ad bin Mu'adh had converted to Islam, let alone that we wait .... Come on, we go to Mus'ab and faithful with him! They say, truth is radiated from the crevices of his teeth! "

Thus the first ambassador of the Prophet who has achieved brilliant results are unequaled, a success that is reasonable and well worth obtaining. The days and years went by, and with the companions of the Prophet migrated to Medina.

The Quraish increasingly furious with revenge, they prepare personnel for continuing acts of violence against the servants of God's righteous. There followed the battle of Badr and the Quraysh was destined to spend the bitter lesson remains of a healthy mind them, until they tried to make up for defeat. Then came the turn of the Battle of Uhud, and Muslims was prepared to set the lineup. Prophet standing in the middle of the line, looked at each face of the faithful investigate who should carry the flag. So terpanggillah "Mus'ab balk", and the hero was featured as the flag bearer.

War then raging bitterly blazing. Archers do not abide by the regulations violate the Prophet, they leave their position in the crevice of the hill after seeing the polytheists suffered defeat and resign. What they did immediately change the atmosphere, to the victory of Muslims turned into defeat.

By not suspected horsemen Muslims invaded Quraish from the top of the hill, and even spears and swords clanging like rampage, slaughtering Muslims who were chaotic. Seeing the shattered ranks of Muslims, the enemy was directing the attack towards the Prophet with the intention struck.

Mus'ab bin Umair aware of this serious atmosphere. She held the flag then the highest and aungan like a lion he Takbir aloud, then stepped forward, jump, dodge and spin and then pounce. His interest was directed to draw the enemy's attention to him and forget about Rasulullah saw. Thus him personally like form columns of ...

Really, though alone, but Mus'ab fought like a big army troops .... A hand holding a flag like a magic shield, was the next to again cut with a sharp sword with his eyes. , , , But the enemies are increasingly well, they want to cross by trampling on his body to achieve the Prophet.

Now let's consider the eyewitness kits, which can describe the last moments of the great heroes Mus'ab bin Umair.

Ibn Sa'd said: "narrated to us by Ibrahim ibn Muhammad bin al-'Abdari Syurahbil of his father, he said:

"Mus'ab bin Umair was the flag bearer at the Battle of Uhud. When the Muslims broke ranks, Mus'ab survive in his position. Come an enemy riding, Ibn Qumaiah name, then slashed his hand to drop, while Mus'ab say: "Muhammad is not nothing but a messenger, who previously had been preceded by some of the Apostles". Then he held the flag in his left hand, bending down to protect her. Enemies also slashed his left hand to break up anyway. Mushab bent toward the flag, then grabbed a second armpit to the chest while saying: "Muhammad is not nothing but a messenger, and was preceded by some of the Apostles". Then the horsemen attacked him three times with a spear, and plunged to the spear it was broken. Mushab also fall, and the flag fall ".Gugurlah Mus'ab and fall flag .... He died as a star and a crown of martyrs. , , , And it happened after the extraordinary courage to wade arena sacrifice and faith. At that time Mus'ab found if he had fallen, would have been the way the killers would be open to the Prophet without any defenders who will defend it. For the love that is not limited to the Prophet and worry about his fate later, when he will go over, every time the sword fall fly hand, dihiburnya himself by saying: "Muhammad is not nothing but a messenger, and was preceded by some of the Apostles". that sentence was later confirmed as this revelation is always repeated and read it to the end, and eventually become a verse from the Qur'an which is always read people .... After the fighting was over, was found the body of the martyr hero eminent lay facedown to the ground flooded noble blood. , , , And as if the body has been stiff was still afraid to watch when the disaster struck Prophet, then hid his face in order not to see the events as feared and dreaded it. Or maybe he felt embarrassed to have fallen before his serene certainty of salvation hath Allah, and before he finished his duty in defending and maintaining the Prophet until berhasil.Wahai Mus'ab al-Rahman is sufficient for you .... Your name is fragrant in life ... .Rasulullah along the Companions came review the battlefield to deliver a farewell to the martyrs. When he reached the place terbaringnya Mus'ab's body, tears bercucuranlah profusely. Khabbah said Ibn 'Urrat: "We moved in the way of God with Rasulullah saw. with the hope of His keridlaan, to must have been a reward from God. Some of us who have passed before enjoying the reward in this world a little too well. Among them was Mus'ab ibn'Umair killed in the battle of Uhud. There's also a piece of cloth to cover other than Burdah. Supposing placed on his head, opened his legs. Conversely when it is closed to her feet, opened his head. Then the words of the Prophet .: "Tutupkanlah to the head, and cover it with grass idzkhir legs!" No matter how grievous wounds and grief in befall the Prophet since autumn pamanda Hamzah and his body destroyed by idolaters in such a way to tears bercucurlah Prophet , , , , And no matter how full field game with the corpses of the Companions and his friends, each of them for him was the banner of sincerity, purity and light .... How well all of it, but the Prophet did not miss stopping near the bodies of the first envoys, to release and remove the contents of his heart .... Indeed, the Prophet stood up in front of Mus'ab bin Umair with short eye sight like covers it with loyalty and affection, recited the verse: Among min thy people are heroes who had kept his promise to Allah.Kemudian complaining that stared Burdah used for cloth cap, as he said: When in Mecca first, nobody I saw finer clothes and tidy hair than you. But now, with disheveled hair, Masai, only a sheet wrapped burdah.Setelah gazed, glassy gaze towards the terrain and the martyrs Mus'ab comrades lying on it, the Prophet exclaimed: Indeed, the Messenger will be a witness later in the last days , that gentlemen are all martyrs in Allah.Kemudian side as he turned towards the companions are still alive, his saying: O mankind! Berziarahlah and visit them, and say hello! By Allah who control my life, no Muslim until the last days that saluted them, surely they will reciprocate. (edywitanto, khalid muhammad khalid-diponegoro)



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